The Collected
Works of
M.G. Meile

Featured Work

Portrait of the Artist, with Spoon

Star-building otters whose flesh is a stellar plasma…Child-hunting demons with television eyes…Telepathic, sea-faring kangaroos…Rainbow-maned Lions with the voices of men…

These were only a few of the creations of the CGI wizard they called “the Maker”. Loved by millions, hated by millions more, the hero of Z-Screen was a man of mystery. No one knew who he was, what he wanted, where he lived – or of the vengeance he planned against the country that had betrayed him.

But to a lonely girl without a home, the Maker was the goal of a life-long quest. And neither global catastrophe nor death itself could keep her from finding him – or keep her from the answer to the only question she had ever wanted to ask.

The answer to that question would change her life – and alter the course of history…

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